Saturday, January 29, 2005

Change of plans pt II

Of all the wretched things to happen. I was at cik tipah's place to pass to kakak ya the tickets to the competition. After that i got a call. The mysterious type of sudden call you get in soap operas. The freaking competition was cancelled! I was all @#$@%#@#$@#%@#@#$@% [dikir-hamun comes in] in my heart. How do you unlearn the lyrics, the song, the ragams. Such a heartache. Like a rejection that would stay in my heart forever and ever. [lame eh] But serious ah. Me holding a sledgehammer and breaking the pillars of that cc with [starbucks] going all Jebatly mengamuk. This sucks. Tumpat had so much to offer yet this had to happen.
Now theres a big 'X' on wawasan nelayan's forehead.

Well i have been anticipating feedback on my lyrics. Like i really wanted to know where i stand and all that. so here it is. Theme: Pelangi

Apakah wujudnya Pelangi yang merdu berbunyi?
Secocok Pelangi asli tapi tak serupa
Berbeza sifat setiap di antara
Kelebihan menjadi sebuah pertarungan
Maka hancurlah keamanan
Dapatkah penyelarasan ditemukan?…
Ikutilah hikayat kami !!

Hikayat berzaman mula cerita
Menjadi sebutan ke dinihari
Tujuh sifat beradu tenaga
Manakah satu pilihan diri

Bayu menghembus mendodoikan diri
Terlelap mata, terlena insani
Berdentam-dentum bergetar hati
Tersentak jasad tertampi-tampi

Bencana melanda tercipta irama
Siapakah tahu mana akhirnya
Tujuh sifat tersusun indah
Tundingkan jari pada paduka

Siulan ‘Suling’ sehalus sutra
‘Celempung’ coret cenduai cinta

Karya ‘Khendang’ kuasa kencang
Gesahan ‘Gambang’ gemaung girang

Sesahan ‘Saron’ seragam semua
Banjaran ‘Bonang’ benar behena

Getar ‘Gong Ageng’ Gerah Gamelan
Tujuh takrifan, tujuh tujuan

Pendam niat di dasar hati ingin saja ia bertakhta
Suasana bertambah bengang menyerlah hitamnya hati
Berbalah dalam senada, ribut taufan bergelora
Pecah gendang putus tali retak gambang sumbanglah bunyi

Pelangi Sajian Halwa Telinga

Berterusan mereka bertarung hingga lelah berganti
Hentakan tukul lalu usam dan mati
Tetapi satu persatu mereka bermula lagi
Kini tidak berkelahi malah membina satu melodi

Alat-alat dengan keistimewaan tersendiri
Akhirnya berpadu seraya merapati
Bergilir-gilir nada disambungi
Irama melimpah sungguh berseri
Gubahan yang kemas lagi rapi

Sessungguhnya perbezaan kami tak dapat dinafi
Patutkah ia menjadi suatu yang menghalangi?
Kelemahan akan kami bersama kawali
Berdampingan, Kesempurnaan yang diperolehi

Gamelan bukan satu sayembara
Berselang-seli menghias irama

‘Karawitan’ rumit yang tercipta
Akibat berlapisnya nada mereka

Mustahil bersendiri tidak berteman
Berjabat tangan mari kejar impian

Wau Bulan
Pancaragam berpaduan, alunan lagu merdu berbunyi

Bak Gamelan yang banyak beranyaman
Bersepadu masyarakat yang harmoni

Karya pena: Pahlawan & Kemuning
Lagu ciptaan asli Tumpat 02.

Please email me on the feedback. What it lacks and all. Weirdly enough im trying to be angry. Something tells me its meant to be and i can do nothing about it[talk about cliche]. All that wasted training. We cant just keep it in the store or something.

Penat aku bersemangat.
Pahlawan Putih.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Change of plans.

People call me more than i call them. Thus more incoming calls. Im thinking of changing my phone plan due to the recent increase in popularity and demand in me. ahak. My bill's usually $20+ but last month's was a whoopingly whoopie goldberg $37+. I guess its all that time i spent in the transfer of lyrics to another person. Popularity has a price. ahak

About the previous post. Having a large waistline isnt something bad. Take a look at funny man suhaimi yusof. host of Selamat Pagi Singapura, Gurame advertistment, in Living with Lydia and after the final episode he will still be on channel 5 in Police and Theif. Must be wealthy by now. The fact is some plum fleshy people have this great personality and it is what makes them indispensible in social circles. But only few these days ooze with personality. Most are insecure etc. Looking down on themself. Well...

Thanks again JJ. Here's my CDSs [Cross disciplinary subject(s)]
Colour & Composition
Culture & Expression
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Language & Culture (French)
Web Publishing

I also dunno lah. Was abit lazy to even think of what to take. Hantamsajalah

I received a call in the morn at around 9.40. Yes i was still sleeping. The mosque called [an ustaz infact] and asked if i would like to be a volunteer. The funny part? Teach Dikir barat to young kids. Its a strange request but im kinda excited. They just recently got the percussions and stuff. I hope it goes out well. Been wanting to write lyrics based on Sirah or the muslim history like the challenges the prophets faced etc. And it'd be cool that it happens on a masjid so no foul words and the usually 'dikir-hamun' you'd get anywhere. 'Selembut sutera..' a must.

Tapi tidak seputih salju..
Pahlawan Putih

Thursday, January 27, 2005

OCK halal.

That just means increased waistline for the malay counterparts. Higher high blood pressure patients and the works. Old chang kee's practically oil on a satay stick.

Two more days to the competition.
Though only 11 groups are participating i wonder why they still are gonna have a two day comp where 8 groups would make it to the finals. Sigh organizers.

New pair of sandals.

My P2 brother wants me to sign his exercise book. He 'forgot' to let my mum sign it yesterday. Im not signing it yet. see what he does.. hehe evil brother.

Pahlawan Putih

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Yok Laju Yok

Atine Ora Tahan. The javanese version of Hatinya Tak Tahan by Noraniza idris. I uploaded it into my phone instead of the malay version cos it has more mystery to it. Mystery excites me. hahah.. All the javanese words one cant understand. Its like watching Dil To Paagal Hai without subtitles. You get the feel more then a whole understanding of the words. Woo.
Thanks for agreeing Arni. A turn off is the way she tackles the high notes. More annoying then amazing.

Test. Keeping eyes open and writing at the same time is quite a task. It was as if printed on the front page in blood is the word "DOOM". It was obvious i had lost all interest in doing the paper well. Focused more on just finishing the paper.

Had a walk walk session after that. And at tampines mall i discovered a key like object in my pocket. Dumb but somewhat i forsaw it. I rode my bike to school. Went to TM on a bus. Stupid. haha
During secondary school i once left my bike overnight because when your excited to leave, you'll just leave.

I suck ah. The whole term i've miss rugby practice cos i end early on monday [so when i go back i sleep and transform into a lazy state] and i end late on thursday [at 7pm. Practice starts 6pm] Then just now i saw some of my team mates like paisey. Is there an alternative word for paisey?

Wanna hear helfi as a bilal? azan.mp3

Ahhh merdu sekali.
Pahlawan Putih.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Allahhu Akbar, Allahhu Akbar Allahhu Akbar
La Illah Ha Illahhu Wa'llahhu Akhbar

Definately a good experience. Nope i was not grossed out or afraid. An eye opener it was. If only i registered with them earlier and went through the "kandang course" where you learn effective ways to keep the sheep still and wrestle it to the ground. Practice my rusty rugger skills. Cant wait for korban 2006.

I have a crush with an ustazah. Man.

Okay test tomorrow.
Pahlawan Putih

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Looking for a pair of sandals

Went to the mosque yesterday to lend a hand for the korban. Participants of the korban, those who are waiting for their sheep, started waiting at 5pm yesterday. I was told that the sheep would be arriving at 9pm. MUIS released time that seemed as though to please Darul Ghufran Mosque as they kept pushing the time bit by bit later.
Helfi: "First they say 5, then 6, 6.30, 7.30, 8, 9"
Then he went into the office while i waited outside the mosque taking in the lethargy of the 151 people with their families waiting from the late afternoon. (There were 151 sheeps to be slaugthered) Then Helfi came out with the i-got-bad-news face. Right then i understood. MUIS postponed the delivery of the sheeps to 11pm. Then mosque then decided it was time to inform the participants and postpone the korban to tomorrow(which is today).

I m going to help today.

I almost forgot i have a paper tomorrow. Food Chemistry.

I spent most of my weekend on this. Tumpat 02 Im not sure its even worth it.

Breaking again. A hole in my wallet.
Pahlawan Putih

Friday, January 21, 2005

Salam Eidil Adha

The last two pictures had a funny story to them. hehe

Soto was good. Kek Kukus Cik tipah was the best. Kept eating and eating.
I have found a new love.

Some other pics

Dont speak of commitment. You are forgot that your not commited?

Got my hands on Sawo Matang by Noraniza Idris. Was just curious on what kind of songs she produces. After i awed at her "prettyness" on Konsert Nusantara, i thought why not. Well heres what i thought. Her songs brings in alot of culture and traditional styles of music. But they lack order and pretty much messy. Too westernized for a traditional theme. All the songs had the western drum in it. Too many instruments and sometimes tak kena. Ambitious i would say. Though Hati Tak Tahan is exceptional. Out of 10? 6. for the effort.

Yesterday's left overs.
Pahlawan Putih

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Sumpah tak bedek! [in primary school kid tone]

Once again, it has been proven that most auties and makciks find me attractive.
I just finished my last test for the week. Felt like rewarding myself so i headed to Burger King to get one of their scrumptious toxic laden breakfast meal. A makcik in tudung with the Burger King uniform took my order. She smiled quite a whole lot. Paid and waited. While she rolled the tops of the paper carriers, she whispered to me discreetly that she placed an extra bag of hash browns. Justifying it by saying its almost lunch and no one would probably want it. I smiled. She smiled back requesting me to keep mum about it or she might be fired if the manager found out. I gave a short laugh and said "Terima Kasih Cik".

Personally i wouldnt mind marrying an older woman. The prophet married a 40 yr old though he was much younger. Bottomline is im only 17 and should not be talking about marriage. heh

My blog looks gothic. All most like im a black metal dude. The malayness also. haha.. I'm not sure why either. Putih berlumuran merah. Hati berparutan luka. Jiwangness not compatible with me.
(Btw im not a black metal dude.)

Heard that there are no sheeps for tomorrow. Maybe God put forth a miracle for them. One more day one earth. haha. Some of my non muslim conterparts thinks its gross and all that. I also have a hard time explaining to them and convincing them its not brutal or inhumane. Its natural thing. Just that we're doing the slaugther in public. At least then you know where your meat came from. But with the spewing of blood and sharp machettes, people often misunderstand. So its up to us to explain.
Brutal should be reserved for thaipusam. Metal hooks through flesh? brrr.

Sheeps: Alhammdulillah

i reheated the karipap 3 times already. Preoccupied with this post. Its cold again.

Pahlawan Putih

Monday, January 17, 2005


Hey. Yeah inactive for a while. Its not that i dont go online. Just no mood. Its the tests. Here...

Left the weekend aside to study but me being me. On sunday morning i had woken up with enthusiasm to go study at Changi Civil Service club. The only place where i could really study. But at around 11, Mr Muhd called. Yeah. Like wha...? He just came back from Australia on fri. Had a gathering at east coast park. Wanted to chat about some stuff. Weird enough he joined a balinese gamelan group 4 wks ago. So he was telling me about how coincidental, and he can share his experience. etc etc.

The matter of chit and chat was about my path. Im thinking of dropping my course. Only if i get into the NAFA teaching 4-course. I mean i have been lying to myself all this while. I know i would enjoy teaching and doing something else part time like gamelan or Dikir. This is my opportunity man. I hope my application successful. But the application only opens in march.
However i will contradict by saying i also hope the application wont be successful because i dont intent to wasted the first year i am commencing in TP doing Applied food science. But i hope i get it. huh?

Few days ago. While heading to the police post to report my lost matric card, there was a girl riding a bike who called my name. Anyone of you that girl? Pathway beside the road. I we were going the opposite direction. Then i saw the girl frown at me. Gave a puzzled look. Then after we passed each other then she called my name. Sorry ah it was dark and i dont know who you were. Own up now! hehe....

CSAS test, Maths and Basic Microbiology test done. Basic Nutrition and Food Science to go. Tawakal, tawakal. I try to revise at night 9pm-1am where my brain seems most active. Considered i take a nap in the afternoon.

Okay. I wanna go off and take that nap.

BTW. Recommended reads. Check it out. Podah was previously Cool entertaining entries. Luthien also entertaining. -- hope yous guys dont mind me linking away.

Two more weeks?
Pahlawan Putih

Friday, January 14, 2005


I really really hope the comp on the 30th would be a one day comp! itd be draggy to have finals. not that our chances of getting in is high at all. Nak beli tickets lagi. $10. Siapa nak pergi.

Soles wear off faster. I drag my feet alot. Maybe i drag myself around too much. Obligating to "events". Well life's like that.

urgh! mengapa tak seindah dulu.
Pahlawan Putih

This week generally okay. Cept for yesterday. MDSS test and Life Sciences test. As bad as this week was its not gonna be as bad as next week where all the term test are scheduled to be going on. Lets just say i have been doing more tawakal then berusaha. Sucky lah.

Also got this learning journal assignment to do for Comm skills. Yeah the irony of not having the mood to write the journal but journaling here online. Kinda tired but must go all the way. I've my self to blame. I hope i have time to go through all my notes and get a fairly good understanding of what im supposed to be studying.

recently i have mentioned that readership has gone down. Well other bloggers too have less frequently blog. Maybe its the atmosphere.

Okay. gotta get some rest before training.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Today i went to school on my geeky slenger bike. Going was okay but returning home was a nightmare of puddles. My bike got no mud guard ah and it was raining.

Feeling Im proud.

My pants were wet. the once yellow bike


okay.. gtg just laze ard.

Maybe revise maths.

P(Irfan got through maths notes) = 1/100.
Pahlawan Putih.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

You know maybe i should've seeked help before i actually got to the task.

Thanks again Abg Kelkatu.

Btw about a few weeks ago i read M. Nasir's Biodata. I wasnt sure who the person in the song Nur Nilam Sari was refering too. I thought she was his wife. But after researching more about him, i figured out that it was his daughter Nur Nilam Sari. And its like a really personal song cos he sings

Peperangan yang melanda diriku kini
Sudah berakhir
Oh! berakhir

Kepahitan dulu
Bertukar menjadi sebuah sejarah
Dan kenangan manis

And i guess he was refering to his late wife. What a man. Maybe he sees his late wife's face in Nur Nilam Sari, his fourth child and only daughter.

My bike's done. Pretty bad job cos the paint chips off quite easily and you can the yellow bits. But anyway. I hope it lasts for a while. Tryna save money on bus fare. The expenditure?
New front tyre $12
Bicycle lock $5
Blue Spray paint $4.50
Masking tape $1.20
Feeling satisfied Priceless [okay lame]

I m close to broke. i guess you would say I m breaking.

Wished i didnt cut off my clark kent messy hair. Yes. About a week ago. Went to QB. Best okay. Enjoyed the vaccuming part. Its like their sucking all your troubles away. and i even got a comb as a souvenior.

The khutbah (sermon) for last friday's prayers was quite insightful. Resolutions should not be made at a specified time or made a tradition. Whether its the new or etc. They should be made everyday. Because we dont have the knowledge on when we leave this earth.

Azam aku untuk hari ini untuk lebih bersyukur. Untuk mencintai apa yang sudah di hadapanku.

Got a flowchart, maths revision and some other hublah to do. Catch you guys some other time yeah?

Kita mesti terus berharap dan berdoa
Pahlawan Putih

Saturday, January 08, 2005

I m about to head for the sheets.

but first a re-cap of what i did today.

Today seemed like an almost normally perfect iwouldntmindeverydaybeingliketoday day. Started of with the twilight zone aka under the bed.
Then did this template.
After that finished up the detail on the canang frame.
Took a nap in the beautifully cool weather.
I remembered waking up.
Then falling back asleep. And it was like being cradled by the clouds. If your lucky, nice naps like this is a once a year affair.
After which i experimented with roti john.
Then i had a great idea.
Started sandpapering the muh yellow bike to make it rust free. then polish semangatly and all. Probably be going to school on my bike from monday onwards. So yeah.. 9-11pm at the corridor spending quality time with my bike. Then took a bath to rid all the oil and sht. and now im here.
Tomorrow i planned to get some glue for my sandal, spray paints & new tyre to restore my bike.
However Hafez ask me along to go watch Gempaq a dikir comp. To think of it i never have been a spectator to a dikir comp that i am not participating in. So still pending.
Palawawana Putiha

Friday, January 07, 2005

Bagai laut yang ada pasang surutnya.
[like the sea with its high and low tides]

Maybe i think too much. Why do i get afected? I mean its just the begining. How can you rate something in its raw unpolished form? Though their comments really were slicing us into bite sized pieces. Maybe if we knew what they wanted. Maybe if we went for the taklimat. Maybe its meant to be. sigh.

Ibarat merendam peluh membina bahtera untuk merentas samudera. Siap ia dibina, bermandi keringat pula ia di kayuh untuk ke pulau impian. Di pertengahan jalan ada yang syaksangka dan mencetuskan perbalahan. "Mungkin tiada wujudnya Pulau Impian!! Lebih baik kita patah balik! Kalau ingin juga ke sana kayuhlah sendiri, bentangkan layar tanpaku. Hamba lelah hidup dalam harapan." Apakan penyelesaiannya? Akankah ia yang adil dan seimbang pada pihak yang ingin berterusan? dan yang ingin berhenti?

As they say, you cant avoid conflict of ideas. There has to be compromise.

Mengapa tak seindah dulu?

I'll still keep on going.

While i was having a lab on thursday, Indrah called. He was like aku nak ko dengar something, mintak gi toilet ah. Important. I went out of the lab and went to the stairs. Asked him what was so important. He told me wanted me to hear the melodi he's been working with. Then he started singing. Alamak... bulu roma ternaik dalam lab coat jugak. Flattered that he asked for my opinion and tah ah.. it was great ah... sedop sedop nya. as they say...fuhyoo

We sawed. We sandpapered. We filed. We sprayed. And we detailed. All for the team. It was one of those things you get pumped out to do. Even though i initiated the idea, it was a group effort. Even though it proved to be a good idea to restore the old canang, no graditude was shown. Ish ish ish. Apa nak jadi.
The details nice? i did it.

Readership has been going down.. You guys dont like my template ah? heh

Cleaned my room. Organising. Just like my blog.

Kemas dan rapi tapi belom mandi
Pahlawan Putih Berseri

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


When it seems to be going downhill, Something just happens to make things better.

It was like shit!, on one day and whoa, we could be on to something here on the next. Yesterday we met earlier to repair and restore an old canang set. Nails, saw, hammer, file, sand paper... etc. We did paint another one before this, but that was before pple started leaving. An this one was certainly a bigger more mengeratkan project. All is left to do is the corak. You can guess who's job is to do that. Yesterday, everyone who mattered showed up. We did improve on the set. But still there was too much playing afool.

I m still skeptical. Cos among us, some people look for glamour when they themself tell us, yup TELL us not to do this kinda shit. But so fucked up. Semua Abang abang ye-ye. Action jer lebih.

And yes, the competition has moved to 30th jan. Good as its after my term test so nothing would be that affected.

We all know we want to be able to reach out and just have a touch of glory. We all want to hope. We want to believe we can. But the history of how things already have come to be, we dont want to be dissapointed again. So we are spirited but not fully there yet.

I think aunties and makciks have a thing with me. hehe.. Makcik at business canteen usually gives me more lauk then other people. Maybe cos i m a nice guy. heh. then the auntie at the make shift canteen called me a Yan tau. It was definately different from from the usual "lai handsome what you want" or "Yes pretty girl" thing. her tone was sorta suprised. Stop, if you think im being full of my self. During CSAS Mrs ong told me that if older generation thinks your pleasant, its a good sign and that your naturally nice. bwahahah. Noora told me the other day to that i my clothes will project a good image on future mother in-laws. hahaha Is that the image i really have?

More time for improvement
Pahlawan Putih

Monday, January 03, 2005


The day started of with me being infront of the computer rechecking the lyrics. With the help of adi and ardi, my mistakes dikemukakan. Typos and wrong spelling. Hope my more then 10 hours infront of the comp, endless conversing on the phone updating lyrics, all that fliping through the kamus, researching a topic with sparing infomation, the sleepless nights worrying pays of. I just read the lyrics again. I think i may have been too ambitious. i'll work on it.
Went to Marine Parade CC at ard 8.30pm. Abit surprised to find out that only 3 groups signed up so far at that time. quite likely it'd be a one day comp.

Being at marine parade and all i decided to get my bowl of vietnamese beef noodles at parkway. i had this image that i was gonna meet noora, dina and azril. True enough. I hah?!-ed when they called me. Joined for late dinner.

Was more okay then assumed it was going to be. Lab was fine.. And i got a 13 and a half over 15 for my Lab report i was whining about! I think like highest or something. So cool considering i thought i might have failed it.
Now at the back of my mind is my term test. Its in two weeks time.

There is gonna be dikir throughout this week. I'll see if i can manage. So yesterday's was okay execpt not all turned up ah. Penat aku pekik sendiri. And the comments about the lyrics... more like complaints. Its really not that easy to take critism from them that sound like "'Celempung'? Setahu aku Caklempung. Kau tukar 'a' lah jadi Celempang." and further uncalled for nonsense. Do you appreciate at all?
Tired by the end of it, i chilled at haig road for a while to ease my hunger. Rule: Never sit with indrah cos he'll end up blanja-ing. hehe. Murah hati. Other than needing to talk to someone, im okay. Yup, stressed but not suicidal. yet.

Been wanting to put up a "i feeling..." board up in my blog. It would tell me im feeling more of which race basically. So if i had it now, it would be "Im feeling..." "Javanese". yeah all the gamelan still in my system.

Pancaragam Jawa rocks.
Pahlawan Putih

Saturday, January 01, 2005

On the 1st Happy Birthday Jas.

On the 2nd Happy Birthday Dina.

Received noora's msg and hastily did this. Last minutes. But it was quite okay since i planned already what to do. Sorry i could stay longer. Noora's cobbler was good. Cansellmakemoremoneythenmakesomemorecobblermaybewithkiwiallthatthenretire.

I have so many things going on today. Argh. I nearly forgot i had lab tomorrow. Maths and Basic food and nutrition test on tuesday. And maths is still the unknown realm. HOW?
I need recheck/confirm/recheck/recheck(x infinity) and then send the lyrics.

Yesterday after dina's party, i headed to the mosque to meet up with helfi. Sat in the office cracking our heads till late. Ard 1? headed home, edit somemore then type into word. Had a nice chat with kakak kirah. Then, 4am!!!! Now my head tidak keruan.

For my next birthday can i get a Kamus Dewan Besar? At the mosque there was on that was really thick but it was useful.

Lega seketika.

Pressure on me