Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Finally i got Folklore! The newe album from Nelly Furtado. It came as a belated present from Nadia and Hidayah. Thanks guys. I couldnt buy it myself in the first place since i have no money and i was waiting till they released a VCD of her videos sekali. Nontheless i like it even though Nadia siang siang dah buka the Cd and burn it in her comp. Taik

Yesterday unfortunately i went out with them. Watched Scary movie 3. Hated it. Wished i watch Lotr again sey. Didnt have money like always so i hutang dengan Sarah. Nasib baik semalam Cik Norli kasih duit for my birthday present. Now i can pay her back. I've nadia's guy and i feel it aint much of a competition at ala. Dier macam young and immature. He was late for the movie, he's a mat gangster and he didnt even sent Nadia home. Hey so what he lives in woodlands? I expected and indian guy worthy of the name aamir.[see nadia is the indian girl] Sekali budak main baju. Suka hati kau lah...I got a call from the people. Be starting my training this thursday at ngee ann plaza. Hai.

Hey the Cd cool okay. Ada secret website. You must have the CD to access the website. Cool huh? WAt do YOU have? huh.. nothing worth to compete of course. Hahahahahahahahaha action.
Pahlawan Putih

Monday, December 29, 2003

Legolas, meet Kakak ya. Kakak ya, meet Legolas. hahaha

Today is a new day. But it'll be Yesterday tomorrow. I have no idea what i am saying... I guess i just wanted to say: Today I am going out to find a gift for a teacher who's leaving for Australia. What's so special? He's my art teacher... Now its harder since its hard to give a gift to an art teacher since standards have to be high to impress him.

Still got no job. There's a car wash job @ $60 perday. If i come for 5 days, that'd be $300 per week and $1200 per month. But from 9am to 9pm......penat ah sia.

It seems i have adopted again the way of the bicycle. Semalam, especially after watching horse riders in lord of the rings, went bicycling again. Pass rumah Cik Tipah. Actually intended to drop by but i guessed they would still be tired from the trip so i just passed by. Anyway the carpark slope at their house shiok. Went wherever the green man comes first. So i was like zigzaging tampines again. But hey! i enjoyed it. Tapi kan, Kalau ada horse lagi fun. It'd be white like Gandalf's.

I bet i can go jurong and back with it in 30 mins. Oh well, live with what you have.

Hahahahaha! i is handsome!!!!
Pahlwan putih
Watched Lord Of The Rings just now, 5.20 show at GV Tampines.
Ajaked Raihana but she doesnt like lotr so went by myself.
Disaster happened when a minah recognised me. She was from the dikir group called Cenderawasih.
She saw me and tegured me loudly bile tgh naik escalator. "Ay Kau Dari tumpat kan? Dari Anak Seni comp kan?"
I smiled. Then malu lah bila dia cakap "Muka kau macam legolas eh! Handsome ah!" There were five of them. The rest were just grining. Quickly went in the cinema and hid in the darkness. I was at seat 4 the left row while they were some where the other side.
Enjoyed the movie basically. Best. Three hours of solid pleasure. Cept the part where i had to go. They should have and intermission or soimething like that. You know the favourites of the show.....Gandalf and Legolas. Everyone wants to become them. Buat ape? I rather be Aragorn. Ada dua wanita menunggu.

But i admit Gandalf is really good especially during the part where he was swinging his staff and wielding a sword at the same time at Minas Tirith. In the movie legolas and grimli were not that significant ah. But they did the counting thing again. Wonderful movie. Would like to watch again to fully understand some of the parts. Anyway frodo tak buat apa apa. Kalau sam takda definately dier dah mati.
Okay remember the minah i mentioned? Well it didnt end there.
They went Jiwang melayu on me...... "Pemanah hati ku![legolas is an archer] Nak autograph boleh?" and other laungans. Had quite a hard time running away from them.
At the end of it, i was picturing them with evil laughter and all macam in the movie. U know....green light and smoke and all. The minahs wee really ugly. Morphine cessation i guess. Nose studs and all. Hai.......
Do i really look like Legolas? I mean stop the crap man. The anger maybe......

Suke hati korang lah...
I am the king!
Pahalwan Putih

Friday, December 26, 2003

Ahai Kembang Kiambang Merah Jambu,
Terapung-apung Atas Tasik Cini,
Kelopakmu Ibarat Papan Gelungsur Si Pari-pari,
Akarmu Menghurai Bak Mayang Sari,
Tempat Ikan Main Sembunyi sembunyi,
Situ Segumpal hati Ahai Ahai,
Bersenandung Sayu Bernyanyi...............

Gets me all the time.

Hari ni ingat nak pigi tu Johor bahru. Mother was like okay okay. Sekali dier nak bermalam di Desaru lah. Bingit! Aku dah pyschologically prepared myself nak gi Johor. Taik! Always change her plan nearing the event itself. Wnyway What's there in Desaru? Havent we gone there too many times to know whats there? AAAAAA! Macam nak cekik sesuatu. Now i am stuck in Singapore with nothing to do since yesterday budak dikir minta rest day. Ah ya havent tell you guys bout yesterday. Back to the stuck in Singapore shit. ARGH!!!! What am i gonna do now? Hah? tell me? Bosan to the core.
Bout Yesterday. Training was physical two notch higher. Lagu Wau Bulan Sampai Sepuluh kali. Maner boleh tahan? Wau bulan is supposed to be the most easiest and a song which you project all your voice out. That is why it is at the end of the whole dikir set. I found myself trying to project out every last bit of my voice. Sedih. Lepas itu push ups + shouting a short but loud "Aa". 20? no more like 40. tangan sakit. Then problems that happened in Tumpat website was surfaced. Now since i am always online, i am the new webmaster of Tumpat website. Is that a good thing? we have yet to know. Oh ya, semalam at the big budjet supermarket sebelah kampung melayu, i saw Mak Besar. Terkejut pasal what was she doing there? But thank allah she was there cause she gave me $6. After that i went to the Kampung Melayu shop where i always go. WoW! Nampak seruling bambu baru. Painted red and black it was a dream. Had only $4 to spare so minta hutang si pak cik baik tu. It sounds magnificent. Wait till i get some silence then i record on my comp and use it as my background sound. Shiokz.

The Metamorphsis HAS begun. Allicia Keys? Destiny Child? Look at yourself. You're falling apart like i used to. [siapa siapa jgn terasa.] Dont need to impress people. Be yourself before you tur to a Butterfly. Hahaha. Thats funny.

Inai dijari, Merah saga menyalah,
Mempelai berseri diatas Singgahsana,
Suasan Seperti Pertabalan Diraja,
Beza Hanya Paluan Nobat Diganti Hadra.....

Couldnt resist cause i am listening to it. hahaha.
Pahlwan Putih.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Came across this blog with a hilarious, typical malay story. Kelakar you guys should read it.....

"Penderitaan Si Tipah"

pompan: tipah
matair si pompan: wahub
si penyebuk: endon

tipah hendak pergi ke afrika untuk melanjutkan pelajarannya.
perbualan bersama wahub:

t: abang wahub.. tipah bercadang nak pegi afrika untuk belajar menjinakkan haiwan.. apa pendapat abang?
w: syukurlah tipah.. abang sokong cadangan tipah itu. lagipun, ayam-ayam di sini semakin ganas.
t: betul?!! terima kasih, bang. tipah janji akan belajar rajin-rajin dan jinakkan ayam-ayam ini. sayang abang!
w: yelah, tipah.

di lapangan terbang..

endon: tipah, tipah. jaga diri kau baik-baik di afrika nanti. ayam-ayam di sana lagi ganas tau. jangan sampai digigit ayam. aku dengar ayam pat sana macam jaws.
w: betul ke don??!! tipah, baik hati-hati eh. nanti abang kehilangan gadis pujaan hati yang sangat dicintai.
t: doakan sahajalah abang. hanya boleh berserah kepada takdir. orang kata guru-guru di sana garang macam harimau, tapi tipah tetap ingin belajar menjinakkan haiwan.
e: eh tipah, jangan lupakan sahabat kau ni bila di rantauan ye. i'll miss you.
t: eleh, speaking london konon. sudahlah don, kau tu minah kampung. pigi masak kat dapur sudah. haha.
semua orang pon gelak hohoho.
t: baiklah semua.. tipah nak pegi skarang. jaga diri semua nanti. tipah pulang sebagai penjinak ayam yang ter-"best".
semua orang pon mula melambai. endon dan wahub menitiskan air mata dengan sebaknya sementara ibu tipah melalak macam nak rak.

detik bertukar minit, minit berganti jam, jam tukar balik jadi hari, hari transform plak jadi bulan.. tanpa disedari, sudah dua tahun tipah membawa diri ke afrika, dengan cita-citanya untuk menjadi orang ayam. suatu hari itu..

e: abang wahub!!
w: [baru habis selesai menangkap ayam] apa dia, endon?
e: ibu bapa tipah baru sahaja terima berita buruk, bang. tipah telah meninggal dunia akibat digigit ayam yang dijangkiti SARS.
w: apa??!!?!!?!?!?!? [dalam keadaan terperanjat yang tiada ketara, dia mematahkan leher ayam yang tidak berdosa itu]
e: innalillahi roji'un.. [kepada ayam itu]

dengan kehilangan tipah kesayangannya, wahub mengalami depression selama tiga minggu, dua hari, lima belas jam dan tiga saat. stress ah tu kirekan.
satu hari, endon pergi berjumpa dengannya.

e: wahub, wahub.. terima sahajalah kenyataan ini, hub. tipah sudah tiada. cakap omputih, the truth hurts. tapi kau nak kene terima dugaan ini. dah tiga minggu lebih kau tak kerja, ayam-ayam ni semua dapat "flu".
w: pergilah kau, endon! jangan ganggu aku!
e: sebenarnya wahub, aku datang ni ada hajat. aku nak mintak tolong dari kau.
w: ape kau nak?
e: err.. aku nak mintak kau ajar aku macam mana nak menangkap, menyembelih dan mencabut bulu ayam.
w: [mengeluh] itulah hobby tipah dahulu.. "ayam was her passion"..
e: wahub! aku blom abes cakap ni!
w: okay okay.. aper lagi?
e: aah.. aku nak join competissSEN [hasmu style] yang dorang buat untuk minggu ayam.
w: kenapa kau tak nak blajar dari abu anak pak mat tempeh kene langgar motocar boom boom boom? dia kan lagi "pro" dalam hal cabut-mencabut ni semuer.
e: err.. err.. dia tak rapat dengan aku lah..
w: tapi..
e: alah.. boleh lah... [buat muker nak step kesian gituk]
w: yelah, yelah.. [tak nak tengok muker dia yang sememek itu untuk sesaat lagi]

semakin mereka bersama-sama membuat benda-benda ayam, di situlah berputiknya bunga cinta di antara dua insan, endon dan wahub, yang cukup mekar dan harum baunya, bak bunga-bunga yang diidamkan setiap pasangan bercinta.

di warung nasi ayam pak mat tempeh kene langgar motocar boom boom boom, bersebelahan kandang ayam, endon dan wahub sedang makan nasi ayam yang cukup bermutu tinggi dengan berhadapan ayam-ayam yang berkeliaran...

w: endon endon.. abang nak bilang sesuatu kepada endon.
e: apa dia bang? [sambil makan nasi ayam dengan gelojohnya] abang ni kacau je lah.. nasi ayam pak mat tempeh kene langgar motocar boom boom boom yang cukup bermutu tinggi ini sedap tau.
w: dengarlah apa yang abang nak cakap ni..
e: okay, okay [sambil mengunyah cebisa-cebisan ayam]
w: pada malam yang cukup indah lagi berseri ini, abang ingin meluahkan perasaan abang yang telah terpendam di lubuk hati abang selama ini. dengan disaksikan ayam-ayam yang berjalan ini, pak mat tempeh kene langgar motocar boom boom boom, dan juga nasi ayamnya yang cukup bermutu tinggi ini, abang ingin melamar don menjadi ratu hidupku.
endon tercekik sekejap [sekejap je]
e: apa??! abang nak endon jadi BINI abang??!!

apakah yang akan terjadi? mungkinkah endon akan mengakhiri zaman single-mingle-nya bersama MATAIR KAWAN RAPATNYA [tak patut, tak patut..] yang telah meninggal dunia itu?? mungkinkah akan terjadi?

kalau anda para penonton sekalian musykhil dan ingin tahu, sabar.. hidop jangan gelojoh semua pon nak. saksikanlah perkembangan endon bersama wahub di episod yang akan datang, saksikanlah
PENDERITAAN SI TIPAH, hanya di pawagamtakjadi, while stocks lasts.
tengok, jangan tak tengok!

Hahaha. funny rite? Got it from Diana's blog.
it seems like everyone is leaving for Malaysia. Bored to the core since it had to be Chrismas today. Besok metro 70% off i heard. Not a big deal to me but just that i wanna buy singlets so i dont have to wear old T-shirts in side. And i also want a new shirt since beloved mother tak beli kan apa apa from KL for me. I drag her and her wallet!!! Hahaha. She actually wants me to wait for the robinson's sale and go all the way to Raffles Place for singlets. Eh but tomorrow macam banyak sangat benda nak dibuat..... Hai. I wished i had cari kerja earlier. So many places full. I just want MONEY!!!!! hahaha.

Cant stop biking
Pahlawan Putih.
Bibik masak sekali lagi. Fuhhyiyooo! Sedap! It was just telur and sambal but the sambal ada different sikit yang membuatnya sedap.

Went for stupid interview. Lupanya boss took a leave. Naik Marah okay. No more car wash.I would have to wait for jan to get a job at swensons. Raihana ada kedai mak dier. So i asked her. Tomorrow jual satay. Ya, satay, on chrismas. See what happens lah.
Had an interesting phone call just now. Nasib baik everything's okay.
Went bike riding again. Dah tiga hari berturut turut. The wind very nice these few days. They carry the nostalgic feel with them. SEPOI!
Tadi sempat pergi rumah cik tipah. Watched the chrismas wish and anak metropolitan there. Managed to ask kakak ya bout "pakai baju" Apparently it's a term used by gangsters. It basically means you're in a group. All this i hear from dikir ah where some of the people get invlove with this shit. Aku ni pun tak familiar with the terms. i remember once i asked amin what angkong was. Dapi was like saying aku tak suka orang tindik tindik, ada angkong, and stuff like that ah.So i didnt know. I asked. Ya, what a story.

Still with the song.....
Pahlwa.....ahhh malas ah

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Mmmmmm Shiok.
Jus in case you guys didnt know. I now have a new maid. Sedap okay dier masak Asam Pedas.

Been finding a job. Called a guy just now for a car wash job. I think i would be okay with it. Tapi kalau pay low.... Tak payah sudah. I mean what a good way to exercise right? Anyway if i dont get that job guess what i am going to try my luck on? Modeling. Modeling is short for being handsome [control your ego!].Hey its worth a shot. You just Stand in front of a Camera and they take pictures of you for ads or stuff like that. See how lah.

Went to the doctor just now. Got the same pills and another apparently for insomnia. But i dont have that! Anyway, during the waiting time i decided to go to the library for a while pasal kan ranai orang. Bumped onto Shidah and Zack. Kelakar ah how such a small world it is. Saw Kakak Ya and Sahar before that tapi tak sempat tegur. Grabbed a bowl of mee soto after that and went straight home to nurse my headache. Just had to have a craving for mee soto. Now my head is a bit better.
I dunno why, but i cant wait for Friday. Got the car wash interview tomorrow. What else do i want to do ah?

Car washing freak....
Pahlawan White

Monday, December 22, 2003

AArghh its back!
The headache's back.

I tried to not layan it but its too prominent.
Dah naik gila, i went out naik basikal all over tampines and Simei.
Some landmarks were, the hockey place [behind the stadium that one] Junyuan Secondary, Springfield sec, Jamiyah home for the aged, the bridge across Changi General Hospital, Eastpoint, then the tunnel connecting Simei and Tampines, Rumah Cik tipah, then i went home. The wind was fantastic lah. SEPOI! The journey was so long and tiring but that was the point. Did i mention i was sing dikir songs all the way. Try to imagine how breathless i was. Went back and ate a Fugi apple. I love those crisp, crunchy giant apples. i ate every single one mom bought. Vitamin C!

Tomorrow a date with a doctor.
I hope it's Dr Rekha Rajan. Last time i went she attended to me. Dr mama chill okay.. Best! Tak banyak Soal. So Polite that she sempat say thank you. Love u Rekha!

Pahlawan Putih Pening
Rabba mere ishq kisi ko
Aise na tadpaye... hoy
Dil ki baat rahe is dil mein,
Hothon tak na aaye,
Na aaye...

Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna... 2

Love the song. Ahh..... soothing. Talks bout heartbreak....

Tadi pergi swimming again. At bedok this time. The water was excellent. Cool not cold. Not many people so it was better. Had to stop after 30mins since it rained. Kat toilet takda oranglah! So i was like sing my bruised heart out. It echoed all the way out that the office worker tenggok semacam. Biar aku kan gila. After that went to the bus interchange to take a bus to S11. Ada keinginan nak makan mee siam. Reflect upon my actions and stuff like that. Terserempak dengan Zaini and Nasir. After that feeling ingatkan keluarga and bought the kueh bakar my family loves so much at the near provision shop. Main reason was to butter up to my mom so i can get funds to tomorrow's expedition to Kallang. the people in the picture nak gi ice skating/ bowling. Looked forward to it but there are chances it must be postponed. Shidah besok gi Gym sudah eh? Or at least gi cari kerja. Too long i have waited just to cari kerja. Kendarat ke. Anything will do. Ajar dikir i not so sure. Tak tau main Rebana lah

Bitter? And you're just all so sweet arent you? Awww. . . Celaka. Jahanam Kau durjana!

Sunday, December 21, 2003

To mend a broken heart.....
I really like this picture.

Left to right: Fairuz, Hafiz, Zack, Shidah, Hidayah, [bottom] hadi, Kamil, Zul, Fareha, Handsome and Sarah.

I like this song too.
Reminds me of a whole lot of people.

"Sering saja, Engkau menjelma,
Waktu malam, dibuai lena,
Mimpikan dirimu adinda, Sehalus selendang sutera ,
Bersanggul anggun jelita, mengedarkan naluri jiwa,
Senyuman manis bak delima, terharu ketenangan sukma,
Mengalahkan bintang kejora, Mengasyikkan pandangan mata....."

Pahlwan putih
Nadia has already got a guy!!!
Hilang lah peluangku, bersama dengan impianku untuk bertemu dengan kekasih idamanku.
I not all that bummed out since i know i was responsible for my own downfall.

Di mana hendak ku cari ganti?
Hilang sudah tak kembali,
Hati gelisah tak sabar menanti,
Dari hari berganti hari............

I am sad. I think. Look in the bright side. I am still handsome so i think i can get anygirl i wan. [kuch kuch] Any girl.
Oh ya if your not convinced, here are some stories.....[real ones lah.]
This happened at the show in sembawang.
Aparrently there was a girl checking me out.
The funny part is when she actually video record me just to see me.
Not that lawa btw the girl. Kening alamak, tipis sgt. I dont even like the idea of plucking one's eyebrow.
So she casually video taped me faking to tape other people.
She did it again when i took water to eat my pills.
Dia Video tape aku lah!
During the dikir performance pun gitu.
Aku yang dier Zoom kan.
Funny lagi it was so obvious Alai saw through. After the show dier sempat tanyer aku i noticed or not.
Then semalam at the Yew Tee show, Ubay bawa his girlfrend.
Any yes she did look at me for a long time without me knowing.
Tengok dier ajer dier tengok aku.
Didnt want to get things complicated if ubay saw, so i avoided her much.

Just wanna hug someone, in the hope i get hugged back.
I am so confused,

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Selamat sejahtera, kami ucapkan,
Pada pengantin, Kami tujukan,
Semoga jodoh terap berkekalan,
Hidup bahagia dengan keharmonian.....

So tired. These last two week dah ada at least four shows.
Penat okay.
Kat sembawang, youth park, Yew tee and i am glad hari ni nyer in tampines.
The bad side of shows is that it's always last minute.
Ragam, lyrics all tak hafal.
Cant wait for next week where we really practice for Piala Encik Lim Boon Heng 2004.
Also their selling their tickets @ $8!! $2 cheaper than most tickets.
Yesterday was okay except the part it rained all over Singapore including Yew Tee.
Basah Lagi macam dekat Yp.
Had dinner after our set.
The food was u know...standard. Bland and tasteless except this ayam chuncks that taste like Street 11 nyer nasi ayam punye ayam. [tapi takde bones ajer]
Dapat cent for the show so dapi treated us each $5. Kite all kompol and then naik taxi.
Mum was at home already.
Nasib baik tak ada complications. THANK YOU CIK TIPAH!!!! i should get her a gift.
Should be meeting Dapi and the rest in 15mins time.
See ya,
[Just for the record i dont wanna mention anything about a certain someone anymore in blog]
Pahlawan putih

Friday, December 19, 2003

Hahaha.... Just as expected. You come out with a comment thats seemingly better because u said "if you think u've won". Didnt remember saying anything. Bet you are whining to one of your brothers how misrtreated you are when you're not really that bad. CELAKA! Too bad i can see through it. Everything's about Imran aint it? Ada impian retak nak kahwin sedare aku, Everyone makes use of you, blah bladdy bloddy blah. Imram in this world, you"re alone.....live with it. I dont need to win or lose, just that my pride's at stake. How dare you say you're not sorry anymore. For what? Jahanam okay.....stop messing people's lifes [and then making it seem like you did nothing wrong to the rest of the world]

Freaking headache. Its back. Must have stop eating the pills. Gotta change my pillow. Argh...
Semalam merepek punyer day. After berdepanan dengan Allah di Masjid Darul Ghufran, I went home. Actual plan was to meet Shidah and go to bedok gym. She cancelled in the middle of khutbah. Smsed me lah! Shorts semua dalam bag. Kasut running dah pakai tau. Bummed out, i slept. Woke up bout 4.30 like tat. Then tah dari maner idea nak gi swimming before it rained. Another reason for me to go out arise so i went out. Met Raihana cause she wanted her present that Rashidah passed to me. [I am sorry shidah. You know sometimes i forget stuff (shoulders+innocent face)] Lepas tu pergi Tampines Swimming Complex. Did you know i only have to pay 50cents? Lagi worth it dari pergi gym. I still work my arms, and there's water all around me. Actually the water was salty from people's you know body produces like sweat and urine. From 5 to 6 i swam walaupun tangan dah maha cramp [swimming doesnt neccesaarily uses hands] by the time at the gym the day before. Cepat cepat tukar then balik and unloaded my wet clothes then headed of to Paya Lebar. Malanglah nasib ia hujan lebat di saner. Visualise this. It was raining so the mood was gloomy and depressing. Not much people came for practice so semangat pun takda. However, i did manage to meet people you call stars. Sharon Au, Billy B.ong, apple, max [tak tau namer sebenar mereka. When i came with my roti john and a packet of milo, the corridor gelap gila okay tapi ada 3 orang duduk at the bench outside of our room. I thought they were my members or something like that sekali bile bukak lampu it was the three from Living with lydia. Didnt smile at them pasal i think their stupid sitting in the dark. Lepak lah. Then while eating my roti john Sharon Au naik tangga on my right and the she said Hi. Dier sweet ah. They were practicing for some kind of show next door across our room. Obivious why Geylang CC. Yang paling secluded and hidden. no busstops near it, long walk from the mrt station and really no easier way to get there then naik taxi [sometimes even taxi driver tak tau maner the cc]. Blah blah blah, complications, baju dengan seluar reek of ammonia from our last show at YP, got pissed bila some people just didnt help to do anything, there the ones who think bapak dorang bayar duit fund Tumpat. Come whenever they feel like it, and just dont when the idea of being tired crosses their minds. Hai......
Today ada block party show. At Yew Tee. Belom bilang siapa siapa but i am going to swim at the Choa Chu Kang Swiming Complex before meeting the rest at Yew Tee mrt station. Tengok apa lain and just basically swim. Only problem would be "where do i keep the gong?" Ya i am holding on to it for the show. Carrying it is like carry a big black metal pot, only heavier [good for my arms [hehehe tak habis habis]]. okay lah. Wannna go back to sleep. See'ya when i see'ya. Peace be upon u.
Pahlwan Putih [AY! goyang tak goyang] hahahahahah

Thursday, December 18, 2003

This year's "BONUS" question of the year goes to....: "Why am i bad in your eyes?"
Dont make laugh......
Hitam Bererti Hitamlah Ia, Tak Mungkin putih jadinya.....
Tak Mungkin Bangkai Gajah Ditutupi Daun nipah.....
Itu Isi Inti Pati, Lima Bak Pantun Pusaka.....

Gym was okay. Penat and sore aje. Yoko yoko tonight. Saw many monkeys. I mean selepas buat satu pull up tengok cermin. Macam it was a show off session. Some of them even just stand there admiring themselves. Was definately out of practice so i cut my 2.4km run on the treadmill in two. Rested in the middle. Best machine was the Rower or something like that. What you do is pull a bar in a rowing action as if u were on a kayak. The chair moves ur butt with you. Then there is a turbine that generates wind energy. So motivated to dry off my sweat i pulled harder and therefore its effectiveness increases. What am i saying?
Anyway after that went to rumah ciktipah to eat fish ball soup and sambal fish cake + tofu. Simple yet nice. Now i am here when i am not supposed to. Wait and see what punishment i get when family gets home. But its so unreasonable to keep me away from my house when its less than 250m away from my house. Well bapak, jadi understand understand arh.
Today Zack's nick power okay....
It was "Can i borrow ur thighs for ear muffs? " or something like that and now its "Do you wanna see my hard drive? I promise it isn"t 3.5 inches and it ain't floppy." Lepak lah dehtu.
Most probably going gym again with Rashidah tomorrow. Hai penat......
Sore to the core....
Pahlawan Putih
Semalam watched Kal ho na ho dengan Kakak ya and kakak leen.
Best lah!. First time in bedok cinema also. So it was a great experience. Wonderful actually. Teared but didnt cry. Duh! I am not that sensitive sangat. Anyways air mata melelh when Gia [Naina's "adopted sister"] punyer real identity revealed. Pasal family, not the mushy mushy love. Lagu pun gerek. IT"S TIME TO DISCO! First time i watch preity zinta. Really like NorNadia Othman [my fren].
Just now went out with Rashidah main arcade the eat then go orchard merayap. Now i am here. Planning to go Gym. see what happens ah. Why u ask? I jus wanna work my arms ah. Make them little bigger since i already have a nice fore arms [approved by kakak ya and some of my old classmates. Jealous k dorang.] Kalau fats yang membesarkan the circumference of my upper arms tak pe but all the fats seem to be settling fine in my thighs. Wasted fats. Now only muscles can enlarge them. Nak macam wan punye upper arms, pakai baju ketat pun tak apa, asalkan tak skinny. I think i should go. See ya.
Pahlwan Putih

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Yay i made it through!
The story like this.
My mom wants to go KL but i dont wanna follow. Why? cause i'll be travelling with the family and my family vacations are always kecoh. Pasal bapak and his know it all atitude. Somemore takda plan nyer travelling. Irritating. Also i just got well and i dont intend to barf out any of my meals anytime soon. Dah sakit, tak tentu hara tu. And i dont need to be in KL to find out whether i have a brain tumor or something like that. I m fine with singapore. Now i am supposedly to be staying with cik tipah until BELOVED FAMILY comes back. "You're not responsible enough to be left alone at home. You once forgot to kunci rumah." Hmphh! Korang ingat aku ni tak seresponsible? Aku ambik gambar each time i lock the door baru ko tau!. Panjy!
Going off i think...
Pahalawan Putih
So the lama tak blog.....
So much to blog though.
Lets start with today.
I first went to Rumah Raihana at the border of Pasir Ris and Tampines to give here present yang dah lama due. The day before she gave me my present. Guess what it was.... Seluar dalam like the g-string type. They call it sports pouch. Tried it on, silky smooth okay...
After that went to Pasir Ris Mrt to go to Dikir. Nus was waiting and everything by 2.30pm. Had a great time at Youth Park. Khabir and Hakeem macam semangat ah turun. Kakak Ya wanted to come but tak mampu. It was raining lah... Best mandi hujan dalam baju baru tumpat. Our set was damn tiring, almost no stops or pauses linked by mak yongs. Alai naik gila inflating 2 of the plastics you use for wet umbrellas and knocking them against each other. Sebelum tu dier pakai buat gloves main ragam Ulan. Perangai. Saw a familiar face there dengan husband dier. Went back to Geylanmg serai cc wet. Lepas tu makan mee putih dengan ayam kepak goreng pakai tangan.
Then i zoomed to Simei, to meet the family for a dinner at Sakura, eastpoint. Banyak jambus okay kat saner.... Nak mintak nombor pun tak tau where to start. [btw, my defination of jambu includes elegance and grace so it aint those loudmouth minahs] Ate beef with cashew nuts only. A platter of bite size beef with a hot, flavourful sauce. Didnt eat rice pasal dah full from the mee putih. Then now i am here.

Had so many things to do that day. Wanted to go sembawang, Abang Najip's wedding ant kg ubi cc and Rumah raihana for her belated party, Took a cab to Macdonalds near Joo chiat complex with hakeem and khabir. They wanted to eat so i left them there after i got my SLT Mcmuffin. Went into the hall and straight away picked up the squegge[donno how to spell] to dry off the wet floor. I was doing it in a ploughing the fields type of action. Had a bad headache then. Went to rest for a while. Observed Uncle hassan's less appealing traits. Macam dier diri doing and boss people around nicely. Irritating. Waited until 9 30 for Kakak Kirah to come as i wanted to pinjam her digi cam. Nasib baik i waited. Kalau tidak,
I would have arrive at sembawang so much earlier. Arrive at sembawang tepat pukul 10.30 which was when they promised. First one to arrive. And i initially didnt want to go. Yang tak boleh pergi sampai dulu.... Ironic. The whole bunch of budak east came streaming in. Dapi and Wan were the latest. Lambat dorang sampai even though dorang yang set the time to meet. After a whole lot of waiting, we arrived at the wedding place. Had to wait some more lah. GENDANG TAK ADA! dapi had to pilion ride adi's bike to get his rebana. If i knew i would have stayed longer at kg ubi cc to help out, At this point my head was really really bad. Macam nak muntah everything i ate. Luckily tak. The set was nice with a very significant song to me.....

"Sering saja, Engkau menjelma,
Waktu malam, dibuai lena,
Mimpikan dirimu adinda, Sehalus selendang sutera ,
Bersanggul anggun jelita, mengedarkan naluri jiwa,
Senyuman manis bak delima, terharu ketenangan sukma,
Mengalahkan bintang kejora, Mengasyikkan pandangan mata....."

This song reminds me of two specific people though bersanggul doesnt really go with them..[i mean siapa seh yang bersanggul this days?]
Past few days have been spent on sleeping and pondering about love..... Pyar, Mohabbate, Ishq.

I love you so much..... Wish u knew......

Back to Sunday, I quickly changed after the set and headed back to eunos. It was about 3 by then. The headache got worst lah seeing lots of people everywhere. I didnt salam much people since dah really gonner. Liked the kurta or whatever i was wearing. Thanx for loaning it to me.

Yay sandra Won!!!!

I like her type of beauty. Very u know....sofisticated and such.
Some thing links her with Kajol

u noe that kind of unexplanable beauty

See ya'll next time...
Pahlawan Putih

Friday, December 12, 2003

Hey there. At SAFRA cyber cafe now with khabir and my brother.
Case takda kerja.
I sorry bout the two previous posts. Really i was in a grumpy mood. So soory....
Anyway, after being 16years and one day old, i had a sort of great time today.
Went for dikir practice. This song came to mind....
"Terkenang-kenang, di hatiku ini,
Kisah lama menjelma lagi,
Di mana akanku cari?
Sejak berpisah bayanganmu tiada lagi...."

Wan and two other guys from anak watan came to practice with us. There is a show this sunday, At sembawang. It involved them. The last time we joined with anak watan was Celupar days lah..... They're nice guys.
I shouldnt go to the show cause Abang Najip is having his wedding then also.
I dunno ah, macam nak pergi......
Amin's sedara pun nak kahwin but he is not bothered.
i'll probabaly miss out on the fun. Abang Najip pun bukan close to me....takda motivation nak gi rewang except meeting the Big family
So many shows Tumpat 02 has this december.
We got a show at YP[yes youth park...lepak, k...] this tuesday.
Some more other cc shit to attend to.
Last tuesday i went out Raya-ing with them.
Best lah sewa bus to go all over singapore.
Didnt collect much since most of the house we went cooked for us mee and did not receive money. It was okay though i enjoyed myself.
People like Irzad, Jo, kamal semua kalau takda tumpat wouldnt be as fun....
Today got to lepaked with them at haig road makan mee goreng. Alai asked for no sayur but he got sayur. I dont understandhow taugue can be a bother. hahah kelakare lah korang....
We definately are becoming like one big family.
MAJU TUMPAT [sifar dua]!

N or N?
Still am bothered by love............
Pahlawan Putih.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

I Have Gone Crazy......
Today's my birthday if you didnt know.
I spent the day with a migraine.
I spent the day roaming around Singapore.
First i went to Tessohn[whatever] Civil service club.
But it was raining.
I am very sick.
I feel like dying and its my 16th birthday.
I didnt spent it with friends or family, except kahbir here.
Really disappointed.
Thanx for the call cik tipah, nadia, hidayah.
Thanx for the gift rashidah.
Thanx so much raihana, see you on sunday.
Dil to pagaal hai!
Pahlawan putih......................................

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Hey ya'all!
Today lepak sekali.
Only two houses.
Cik Lah and Cik norli.
Cik lah cooked Briyani for Her majesty Queen Connie as she planned to come and visit.
There was some fuss bout the rice being done or not done.
However, the food was delicious.
Suprised to meet Kak Ya and Sahar there.
Kenapa the sudden Dikir questions? hahaha. macam kelakar.
Sahar was like asking whethe i had a rebana.
No i dont but i did make a big hole in one before.
Feeling kering kan the skin of the rebana sekali berlobang. Terbakar ah i place a candle under it.
Pandai sangat kan.......

I slept most of the time at rumah Cik Norli.
Found the bed comfortable to i slept.
Its the pills i take. The pharmacist mention that it would make me sleepy.
Quite an okay day i would say.
Nak gi seconds at rumah cik lah?
Payhlwan Putih.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Gambar Rayer ngan kawan kawan.......

So penat.
Actually i dont know what to blog.
But i'll try my best.

Just bought myself a leather wallet from the wallet shop for $17. [Cheap and useful]
Been planing to buy dari dulu.
It is the only item I actually want to spent my duit rayer on while the others i save.
Can wait to work to revive back my 97152038 hicard or maybe even apply for a line.
Did you know a unbloomed lily can cost $4? Mahal okay, but i bought it for a friend whose birthday is today.
Kesian, all the bloomed lilies dah out of stock.

Got plans for tomorrow i think.
Supposedly Tumpat is to go rayering but i didnt receive any news so........
Tomorow Cik Lah and Cik Norli ada open house so if i am not going rayer with Tumpat then family matters.
Simply cant wait.

It seems like i got so much stuff to blog when i am not onlie tetapi bile dah berdepan dengan keyboard....hilang semua

Now it's coming back. if you guys dont noe i was sick all week. Started with a fever then vommitting. Its what they call gastrict flu. Everything is quite okay now except the headache which wont go away. Dah banyak jugak ah panadol i swallow. Went to the polyclinic on thursday. Got a whole lot of pills. 3 macam, 5 pills three times a day. It feels like one is still stuck in the middle of my gullet.
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NO NO NO NO NO NO. I have learnt my lesson. Once bitten twice shy. And A leopard never changes its spots.

This is when i say goodbye.[dah penat ah and uncle hassan just came in]
Cik tipah masak Mee Soto!! [should i go and kacau?]
Pahlawan putih