Sunday, December 07, 2003

Hey ya'all!
Today lepak sekali.
Only two houses.
Cik Lah and Cik norli.
Cik lah cooked Briyani for Her majesty Queen Connie as she planned to come and visit.
There was some fuss bout the rice being done or not done.
However, the food was delicious.
Suprised to meet Kak Ya and Sahar there.
Kenapa the sudden Dikir questions? hahaha. macam kelakar.
Sahar was like asking whethe i had a rebana.
No i dont but i did make a big hole in one before.
Feeling kering kan the skin of the rebana sekali berlobang. Terbakar ah i place a candle under it.
Pandai sangat kan.......

I slept most of the time at rumah Cik Norli.
Found the bed comfortable to i slept.
Its the pills i take. The pharmacist mention that it would make me sleepy.
Quite an okay day i would say.
Nak gi seconds at rumah cik lah?
Payhlwan Putih.