Monday, August 02, 2004

I may have found a new interpretation for Pahlawan Putih.

Someone once said to me that i could do anything but i'll have to work for it and be brave. I lack this thing they call courage. I pale when something sudden or big happens. I get frightened and nervous. This is where i mess up.
"Jangan kau gentar pada bayang-bayang sendiri"
Is there a cure? How do i stop chills down my spine everytime it stops me from acheiving something? Most of the time i miss out on opportunities. Then i tend to regret for not acting wisely and messing up. This is me. Pahlawan Putih. The one who believes he has the potential but doesnt have the guts to do so. Cause he pales everytime there is an opportunity.


I spent most last Saturday in Singapore Poly. Awallah Dongdang. The show was great and dikir being dikir was as usual.
Tak pernah start cepat, tak pernah abis cepat.
Kalau show selalu last minit.
But it was great. Had fun. Panjy are a great bunch of people. Star of the experience was Nurul Huda, my ex-schoolmate [primary]. I mean to see a malay play the violin is something. But to see her play really traditional malay tunes is something else. I dont want it to repeat again but it seems like it IS happening again. Had a hard time keeping my mouth shut at the rehearsal room watching her play. She's good ah. From the Malay orchestra. I remember annoying her when we sat next to each other in malay class. Well it seems i annoy alot of people. [hehe] But annoying people makes sure they remember you. hahah.. She remembered my name but i couldnt say the same for hers initially. I remember nurul or nor. Nas confirmed her name. I had butterflies. Sudah bermula lagi sebuah kisah kedukaan...

I had Principles of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry test just now. I picture myself falling down a cliff when i realised what i did wrong right after the test. Its always a so close yet so far case.

Right now i'm over looking the thorns that knot in a horrid embrace and focusing on the horison where the sun sets peacefully in amber hues. The amber hue is my term break next week! CANNOT WAIT to jump and roll on the floor.

What to get what to get...

Its just another infactuation. Or is it?
This may be the result of solitude.

This blog is about the biggest discovery. Me.
Pahlawan Pucat