Saturday, July 24, 2004

Why should one remain kind to a person who wont reply with kindness?

Its so that you wont be him/her.


Term Tests in a week. I have underestimated Science in Food Preparation. I should sharpen my Keris and get my armour ready. 


Uztaz Ulum has  such an open mind. Its mind boggling to try and be really open minded.


My computer has no playback audio stream thing. Have a hard time switching the computer on in the first place. Digh.

Digh. Digh. Digh.
Aper tu? Aku pun tak tau.


What do you do when you find yourself giganticlly  annoyed but the unpleasent traits of people you make friends with in school? Tah ah. Geram tak lepas lepas.
Can we just end all ties? or do we push to find a postive trait that cancels off their bad ones?


I have come to a conclusion that i have trouble sucking in my belly after every Haig Road Mee Kuah session. I order $3 one. Maut. I have also concluded that i may possibly be belly boncet because of my constant use of Suara Perut [Stomach Voice] in Dikir. After training it bloats. After alot of deep breathing and Silent non-odourous gas release it deflates back. Was that gross?


My apologies.


I think. I think. And i think.
Maybe the answer will only come to me when i die.


I'm working on another blog. Sort of a portfolio. I think i'll call it Andalusia. I just like the name.. Andalusia....

I'm learning the ropes. Need help from the master himself
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