You guys would have probably found out. I wasnt soon enough.
Yes, the group from the February 4th post manage to leave Woodlands Community library un-emptyhanded.
Most Creative Group. heh. We were aiming for it actually, seeing that none of us were the pantun types. (And that other schools were). So we practiced hard.
Set out to make an impression. 'tuk tampilkan jati kami.
ouh, and it was OUR win. =P
The day itself was a funny one. Last minute plans to catch the finals, also because one representative had to be present to collect out certificates, and supposedly to study after that.
How many times have you heard that one?
How many times have you lugged your notes and end up too tired that you just dont?

We didnt see that did we? (hohoho)
Picture of the Pesta Pantun 2006 Finals

I just realised, when resizing the picture, that the time projected tally to the respective schools order of win (MI: 2nd, YJC:1st, TPJC:3rd). Cool nah?
Its a SIGN.
Anyway, the guys from PBMUKS were really nice to be, somehow or another, supporting us. Their supportive stares were like banners imprinted with our initials, their encouraging whispers only audible through the translation of moving lips, their occasional bursts of voice coloured with cheers camouflaged as the audience to sustain anonymity. All which undoubtedly provided us with much needed moral support, like a high chair to a hungry 1 year old at macdonalds.
I guess 'soon' could mean a few seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks or months? in this case, it's 19 days. Heh, my apologies.
Pictures from Ili's Birtday outing.

8 scoop earthquake is it? Definately a treat. Should go again.

hamba, lily, cipah, nana

this one's a laugh

unintentional order
Artistiko shots




And to end the day with a touch of humour
Ah... sentimentalized
Pahlawan Putih
You guys would have probably found out. I wasnt soon enough.
Yes, the group from the February 4th post manage to leave Woodlands Community library un-emptyhanded.
Most Creative Group. heh. We were aiming for it actually, seeing that none of us were the pantun types. (And that other schools were). So we practiced hard.
Set out to make an impression. 'tuk tampilkan jati kami.
ouh, and it was OUR win. =P
The day itself was a funny one. Last minute plans to catch the finals, also because one representative had to be present to collect out certificates, and supposedly to study after that.
How many times have you heard that one?
How many times have you lugged your notes and end up too tired that you just dont?

We didnt see that did we? (hohoho)
Picture of the Pesta Pantun 2006 Finals

I just realised, when resizing the picture, that the time projected tally to the respective schools order of win (MI: 2nd, YJC:1st, TPJC:3rd). Cool nah?
Its a SIGN.
Anyway, the guys from PBMUKS were really nice to be, somehow or another, supporting us. Their supportive stares were like banners imprinted with our initials, their encouraging whispers only audible through the translation of moving lips, their occasional bursts of voice coloured with cheers camouflaged as the audience to sustain anonymity. All which undoubtedly provided us with much needed moral support, like a high chair to a hungry 1 year old at macdonalds.
I guess 'soon' could mean a few seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks or months? in this case, it's 19 days. Heh, my apologies.
Pictures from Ili's Birtday outing.

8 scoop earthquake is it? Definately a treat. Should go again.

hamba, lily, cipah, nana

this one's a laugh

unintentional order
Artistiko shots




And to end the day with a touch of humour
Ah... sentimentalized
Pahlawan Putih
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