Saturday, February 04, 2006

Rhyming drains

I just woke up a couple of minutes ago. from my recuperation nap. We were all so tired after the competition that we all just wanted to sleep. well so i did. pardon the lack of intellectual puns. my brain might just still be sleeping.

Saya, Hajar dan Raudah

Our rehearsed intro.

ala melayu nya

Going down to business

We were the only team who decide to do without our school blazers as it is so unmelayu to do so. Our only form of uniformity are the roses we donned. 3 $1.50 clenched-fist-size roses.

Ditanamkan tebu di hujung lidah
Agar bahasa manis berbunga
Ditanamkan bangsa di bumi rata
Agar bermekar seni budaya

Masih mentah dalam gelanggang ini
Masih segan menjunjung seni
Tiga sekawan dari TEMASEK POLY
Harap semua terhibur hati

Our intro. I think we really did manage to hibur hati or entertain the audience. with 2 kerat pantuns like... (the task was to talk thru poetry. a scenario would be given. mine was chopping onions)

terasa pedas kerana lada
bawang memang penawar lara


sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga
merahnya bawang kerana cinta


kupas kulit kupas kupas
kupas kulit biar terlepas

Hahahaha.. i must brush up on spontan and borak borak pantun. The audience was complaining of a sore stomach after all the laughing. For those who came down, Kak Ida, Nadia, Dessy, Nadia, Shikin and those who were supporting us, my warmest graditude. Your presence diminished a bit of our fright.

All and all another experience (to cerish).

Mukin dah tak seputih dulu
Pahlawan Putih