Monday, October 24, 2005

Aah Kau!

bLaCkr0sE: fan!!!!!!!!!! ku da lama nkkn buku tu tau. asal aku tk penah nk dapat ekh? urghh..
Ko nak pinjam dari aku? i have till 11 nov i think.

nas: i like the layout. i've been downloading lots of lagu raya. i miss home a lot.
nas: going to ur blog feels really nice. nostalgic. and thanks for the lil updates in what's in Berita Harian. Hahahaha.

hehe, Thanks and your most welcomed. Like they say.. the heart grows fonder as you go apart... Try not to think of it too much.. heh and Selamat Eidulfitri in advance :D

ren.: salary eh... errmmm... can u become a volunteer for my co. instead? hee
ren.: btw, I watched lantai T Pinkie I think.. or was it Salina during my Pre-U days... can't rem ah.. hee

HA-HA... volunteer? dont mention that word seh.. Im volunteering to much already.

KelKatu: If u love Lantai T Pinkie, u will definitely love Rokiah Ronggeng by Dr Anuar Nor Arai.. ada orang kata, Rokiah Ronggeng melacurkan istilah teater noir.. read it and decide..
KelKatu: ooops.. Ronggeng Rokiah.. not Rokiah Ronggeng.. tu lirik KP.. ahakz
Looking forward to my next trip to the library. Hey! should meet up soon. So boleh explainkan jugak the meaning of "teater noir" - hehe ignorance

izie: hye... thanks... and yarh... nice layour. i like the pink.
Welcome and Thanks.. you take care yeah

Shara: Hai!

anak boyan: nice blog....tapi apasal very girlish eh....hehe...been reading ur blog eversince i tumbled upon it few mths back...agree wit u. lantai t pinkie is a great bk. so is salina....
I ask myself the same question everyday since the new layout. Sudah takdir agaknya jadi colour pinkie... haha

lina: juz love the images u took..dari yg kau amik sampai yg kau edit..nanti aku kawin kau jadi cameraman eh??hehe..that reminds me..aku nak gambar yg time kita buka ramai2 tu!!
LINA! (Like how you greet people everytime) haha thanks alot. Kau macam mencetuskan arang hingga jadi bara. I enjoy people enjoying my pics. Insyallah if you get married. (&trying to upload hor.)

yat: nice2 bloggie......wonderful 2 be exact..hah..t pinkie a gd book...sadly ku tak de tyme nak acer sampai abis ar mah..haha...gna get dat man...
Terimalah kasih.. Baca, jangan tak baca...bacalah sebelum engkau dibacakan.

ange: pretty pretty !! hahha. i like pink and orange. i think im going to change my layout also. =/ ahh well.s
All the best for that. haha..

Dee: wah lawa gambar..heh..did u received my email??
Yes i did. but i think.. umm.. umm...

Umm.. More updates tmrw.. hee
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