Wednesday, February 02, 2005

What goes in the alimentary

Not many weddings this days. I pine for a good plate of Briyani Daging with a side of Ayam masak merah, achar timun and nanas. The aroma wafting in a distant memory. Islamic and most other briyani lacks the umph factor. Most probably its the lack of achar. Think about it. Briyani is never and cannot be perfect without achar[both timun and nanas]. Briyani would lack personality and not satisfying towards the raging hunger. Just proves that its the little things that matter.

Coke vs Pepsi.

Personally, Pepsi. But its quite hard to get a decent can of pepsi in sg compared to when in Saudi. All them Coke vending machines. I would drink a few bottles [glass with plastic caps]of pepsi light during meal times at Mecca. But hard to get in sg ah. In Saudi, pepsi reigns supreme over coke. Which is good i guess.

Persada Seni Dikir. Maybe. waiting for the groups decision.

Im gonna go look a microorganisms today. Most thursdays we have BMic lab [basic microbiology]. Its a new thing which is kinda cool. Looking under the microscope, preparing cultures, dancing around. okay maybe not dancing.

One victim. Told you it work work. Mat-ified

achar.... hmm (salivates)
Pahlawan Ngak Puas