Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Anticipating the moon resting on my lap

At the edge. In dilemma. Caught in between. Contemplating my next move. Sit at the edge. Or lean back and enjoy the ride. Anxiously anticipating. Stagant? Exciting? What? what? Nervous. Twisting and turning uneasily, the ring on my index finger. Scraping and peeling loose skin at the side of my fingers. Why am i elated? or is it drepression. Confused T am. or is it I am confused. In wait of an event. In wait of a climax. What is prediction? What is the catch. Why am i going around aimlessly?

Well instead of having practice, i was invited to Darul Ghufran's malam seribu kenanagan. A dinner event at Singgahsana hall to thank those who helped out during Korban. It was a last minute invitation but at least i ended with something to do that evening. Even got a certificate of appreciation.

School's getting dull. Abhor benor having to get acustom to school over and over again. The term breaks leaves me numb. ahai

Im enjoying PST training. Fun and fresh. Songs that differ from what im used to. New friends. New experiences.

Sayang ahai sayang,
Pahlawan Putih