Thursday, October 23, 2003

Gambar dah developed.
[Handsome as always] - kulit tebal.
Anyway hari ini Deepavali.
Mother suggested we go to the Istana.
Nak pergi jugak, tapi Lagaan is on at 3.30.
Oscar nominated....jangan main main.
Ajaked Rashidah to go with me, but she had to go to her Grandmama's place.
She asked me to taped for her the movie as her Grandmama's takde Channel I.
Kesian. [I m not going to do it for you! haahaaa]
Sekarang mother is thinking of going to Tanjong Katong Complex.
Beli baju untuk hari raya.
Free parking there.
Ala ala ala.
Lagaan or go-out-with-Family-to-get-stuff ?
see what happens.
Note to self: STUDY!

11 more days.
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