Sunday, October 30, 2005

Magus luna


(Press play, then pause, then wait for the grey line to be full, press play again)

Kekek sark.

Pics from my and other people's camera

Kumpulan Kesenian Melayu - SNT, Nadi, Titisan & PST(?)

Partly Pendekars. Wooo.. look at me and wawa - in character

the Maidens

Indah and Asyakies.

"Terkurung dalam jala kehidupan..."


Wawa with a nice pose

Post-post-show. At starbucks. Ili and hani outside.

Magus luna was a fun production. Opened my eyes to Dramatec. And more importantly, SNT. We redid a dance - Maya, but it was nonetheless awesome. Now i've learnt how SNT really works and its been a pleasure. Salai did a really good job. Im gonna try mohawk again someday.

Its killing me
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