Saturday, August 06, 2005


Im not sure why but i have been adding 'z's at the end of wordz (esp in sms-es). Likez whatz upz withz thatz....?

Anywayz, i just stopped playing Blooming Gardens from To think im listening to Kissed by a Rose - Seal from the old new batman movie. heh
Well its a nice song...

I dunno how to describe my mood right now. Its a cross between a few thousand emotions. Maybe its just part and parcel of being a teenager a.k.a. 'young adult'. So many feelings to be felt. So many desires not yet met. So many insecurities to hide. So many complications, so little time.
And i never fail to mention how i wish i was living a simpler life. Then again, maybe there's no such thing as a simple life....

sigh....(grining weakly)

If only life could be revolving around dikir, culture, music, script writing bengkels, techno, starbucks, art, self made lanterns, false paper windows, cousins wedding, MAG, lunches at Designer's Pad, that 8 seconds of screaming & holding back nausea as the roller coaster goes down the steep section.......

Im online waiting for anyone of my group members to come online. We have a project due tommorow and i can definately do nothing with information from any of them. Thus this is confirmation to my abhorance to group projects/assignments.

I didnt plan for this to happen?
The unintentional plea...

Headache, Stomachache, Heartache, Hardboil egg
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