Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Di pentas dewan suria...

That tune is stuck to my bloody head.. At first i thought nothing of it cos the tune is quite catchy. But now, it just escapes from my lips everytime. Im gonna listen to the continuation to that line before i go mad.

Talk about songs, lets move on to the Black Eyed Peas. The songs are definately catchy. So catchy that i had the urge to listen to more of their songs. And as i explored into the realm of animal inspired ablum titles, i cant help but think they have a tendency to use other singer's trademark tunes/melody. Alicia Keys, Michael Jackson and many more if you listen intently. Dont get me wrong, they are good but it seems they're merely doing remixes of other people's work and so they dont really have and identity.
Dont Phunk with My Heart... Is a catchy song with the Tabla works. Howeber, the music video was quite dissapointing. Almost as if it didnt match the song. In dikir terms, Ragam tak selari/selaras/setanding/cocok/kena dengan lagu. Oh well..

Progress has been slow. But progress is still progress rite?
Slowly starting my Co & Co.
Here's what i have been doing instead of Co & Co...

All with leftover paint.

Interestingly, you get green when you mix yellow with black

Just yesterday. Inspired by someone who did DGfly for O level art. heh

Indian fever again

The walls were not spared. In Jawi: Pahlawan Putih

From one of Kelkatu's piece. In Jawi also: Gersang arus minda. =>I was bored

And they all look ugly. A reflection of the painter. heh.
To think i dint post what i was doing..

Watched CSI, Alias and Boston Public yesterday while doing Co & Co.
Boston Public was insightful. About t/e/r/r/o/r/i/s/m and its different forms after 9/1/1. Racial Profiling...

"They feed on your tears. Dont let them see you cry.."

I is cant be waiting for school to end. I hate school and i know i would hate work even more. Thus im emptily complaining. Meaning complain just to complain. I understand there are people worst of then me. hmmmm.....

Catatan Irfan Kasban,
Pahlawan Putih