Tarian Seudati dan Ratoh.
Yesterday i went for a bengkel tari (dance workshop), organised by Sri Wana, although i knew i was getting myself into trouble. Academic type of trouble. I have 5 tests in total throughout this week. Im gonna die... It was like jumping into a whole new worl thing. And also a number of participants from Temasek poly backed out. So as president i had to do my obligations.
Anyway back to the bengkel. Parts of it were draggy. Could've ended at ard 3 instead of 5. Needed more practicles as most of it were just listening to ceramah (though insightful).
The highlight would be learing the Acehnese dance, Tarian Seudati dan Ratoh, led by Mas Tom Ibnur. It was really fun as it had resemblance to Dikir Barat. Most of the dance were played seated. Some steps PST pun pernah pakai. The songs (syair) we sing to acompany the dance get faster with each chorus. Suka...
Laho Tujan Landing La Umbala
Landing La Umbala Eu Hala
To think this syairs bear no particular meaning in Acehnese. Its just jargon sung beautifooli.
Anyway my efforts to become more fexible in seni and touching basic aspects of its different forms is being rewarded more than i expected. Trying not to be ~wan segala ~wan at the same time btw. From other people's ears, i hear intriguing things. Like Mas Tom asking the organizer where im from. Organizer then ask Fana where im from. Then "ada potential" terkeluar. Priorites set, dikir barat first, then studies. hahahah boleh eh gitu.. hahah In relation to seni.. Dk comes first.
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Deadline Tuesday.
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Pahlawan Putih
Yesterday i went for a bengkel tari (dance workshop), organised by Sri Wana, although i knew i was getting myself into trouble. Academic type of trouble. I have 5 tests in total throughout this week. Im gonna die... It was like jumping into a whole new worl thing. And also a number of participants from Temasek poly backed out. So as president i had to do my obligations.
Anyway back to the bengkel. Parts of it were draggy. Could've ended at ard 3 instead of 5. Needed more practicles as most of it were just listening to ceramah (though insightful).
The highlight would be learing the Acehnese dance, Tarian Seudati dan Ratoh, led by Mas Tom Ibnur. It was really fun as it had resemblance to Dikir Barat. Most of the dance were played seated. Some steps PST pun pernah pakai. The songs (syair) we sing to acompany the dance get faster with each chorus. Suka...
Laho Tujan Landing La Umbala
Landing La Umbala Eu Hala
To think this syairs bear no particular meaning in Acehnese. Its just jargon sung beautifooli.
Anyway my efforts to become more fexible in seni and touching basic aspects of its different forms is being rewarded more than i expected. Trying not to be ~wan segala ~wan at the same time btw. From other people's ears, i hear intriguing things. Like Mas Tom asking the organizer where im from. Organizer then ask Fana where im from. Then "ada potential" terkeluar. Priorites set, dikir barat first, then studies. hahahah boleh eh gitu.. hahah In relation to seni.. Dk comes first.
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Deadline Tuesday.
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