Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A teeny bit better.

The fever seems to have gone. The runny nose quite managable. But i dunno... Not like 100% well you know. Supposed to go back to the clinic today to get a 2nd blood test but i was far too tired. reached home and laid flat on my back. Somethings weird's happening. Everything that i eat seems to be 2 times saltier that it is. everything. I wonder whats up with my system.

Whats up with doctors who dont listen to their patients? I couldnt be more sorrier i didnt have a fever there and then in the doctors room. Stoopeed arrrse.

Like the Crumpler budgie smuggler i now materialistically posses. Though its a sad reminder i dont have enough 'camera' to fill it up. hahahah.. Btw the first prize winner was a geeky visual comm student. Soo sucky. Anw. The exhibition had 20 photos on display. I owned a quarter of those in the exhibition. All execpt the pic of my cousin and the buffet spread one. The ranking has yet to be posted and the accumulated points are confidential so i cant really say which ones did well. They promised they would post it up so i'll update then.

I got 2 lab tests tommorow. ooo... scary.

More apathetic then ever.
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