Friday, February 25, 2005

Boredom is a Devil's playground

Pirate of the Inorganic Chem Lab. hahah Thats Aluminium foil and paper towel to wipe test tubes and what not.

The things we do. Updated my fotopages with more pics of the nonsense in school.

The week has ended. It brings relief, only temporarily. The week was laden with tests and deadlines. Fhew. Jeng jeng jeng. Semestral exams are coming up in three weeks including study week. Unsure if i can make it.

Apologies. This post was uncomplete and it got published.

Im here in the dinning room. My dad just finished "teaching" my brother.
Does sparing the rod really mean spoiling the child?
I can relate to my brother because i've been through it. To think my father actually thinks caning will solve all the child's academical problems. Sigh. I would have to disagree cause i got through it myself and the caning just left alot of scars.
Btw he hasnt caned my brother yet, just threatening too..

Where has my enthusiam gone?
Palawan Putih