Friday, May 16, 2003

Issue bout: men's weight is equivalent to women's age?
Do u agree? i dont. Kalau ego, standard lah for males, but weight..........maybe lah. Or maybe i m too buzy keeping white teeth, clean hair, drinking 8 glasses of water, doing my art, studying for my o'levels [i wish. more like worrying bout when i m goin to start studying], deciding what to wear wiythg only 5 options oin what i CAN wear when i go out, maitain a healthy soicial life, listen to irritating siblings, plan for my future and so much more to even bother to take notice of my weight. Did i make it sound like a tedious task? [no offence to the weight concious men around]

I m really bother by the fact tat other people's blog are filled with wisdom but not mine................poems and nasihat for the mind and all........i hope it doesnt become a factor for ur decision to visit my blog. please also tag more. i feel left out. [as if]

its everywhere.......... can we help it? I know this person yang in this very second slammed with other people's paranoic behaviour towords dier. Kesian dier. I also became one of those persons. I really am sorry. i wont do it again Maybe pasal dier ni seperti idol, and dier punye company is greatly appreciated thats y this is happening to dier.[trying very hard to not reveal dier punyer gender/ identity] kesian dier. this person i noe, i feel dier's insecurities. Probably because looking at dier reminds me of me. And dier is so determind to help other org punye insecurities[like mine]. i analysed, found out that dier is maybe trying to help others and in the near future hope ade org yang help dier with dier's insecurities. [if u r reading this, i want u to noe i love u alot. i am here to help u as u might have help me.] (hopefully u have d add to my blog. i noe u noe my blog add) the nearest song i could depict u would be water. [if u dont noe the song, its from lauryn hill unplugged] [we would have to change the sex of the song to ur gender lah]

Went to paya lebar today. Nak kasi pengetuk gong....and balik rumah. so anyway........i took the slow bus 21 home. Change of plans: i dropped at Bedok reservoir and took a quiet stroll to think bout things, self reflect, and tell everyone there i could play the takbir tune on my flute. I did tau, mainm sekuat kuatnye. the i went home and now i m here.

Ye yo