Sunday, May 15, 2005

I have a confession. Wait...hmm.. confession doesnt sound rite. ]
More like a declaration.
All the lepak session has made me realise i know close to nothing about motorcycles. Maybe its just a non-motor background thing. I dont recall any close relative owning a bike (cept Uncle Zak, but thats way back). Dont even know the difference between licences (Class 2a/2b/etc..) or the different types of bikes out there. To date i know/seen/recognise harleys, phamtoms, waves, scramblers, vespas, sp.. When talking to me about bikes, expect a patronising nod and a clueless irfan.
Yes, eventually i do want to get one. But is there a need for a fuss about motorcycles with some people. In a conversation i would hear the mention of it at least once. Changing a seat becomes equally a big deal as the birth of a baby. Who knows they would have Seat showers (Leather Care products all around!).

I mean its okay but it can get tiring i guess. Bukan nak kutuk, just a reminder to myself never to do that in the near future. Lain orang, lain belang...
Just get a bike so i can go places. Not so it could be a topic i would want to bring up in a conversation so i can subtly brag about my hot new bike. Insyaalllah.

I've confirmed with the authorities (my mom) about my race. Im injavchiarlay. (indian[1/4], javanese[1/4], chinese[1/4], arab[1/8] and who can forget malay[1/8])
So anti-climax when my race is written as Javanese in my IC. I guess so i can play around with this heritage.

Weirdly enough, i borrowed Sobah's MP2002 saringan VCD. Repeating KP's set which has an interesting message they would like to present. Anyway its very worthy of MP. Shariff was really in watak then.

Atap hilang daun nipah tirai tinggalkan jendela
Sokong reban tercium tanah rumah sudah tak bertangga
Sengaja kau ketis jari ayahnda engkau runtuh titah bonda
Bila talak naik tahta, bermaharajalela

From my point of view, (not too sure if its accurate at all) the set is talking about how we live in a multi racial community and we tend to support the other cultures that we tend to forget our own culture/roots.
I agree with it but what about a guy like me? where should i lean to?

Then in the karut part "Cina bersongkok, Melayu lilit sari"
How about the chinese muslims, apa tak leh pakai songkok? hehe.. so its abit funny.
And if each and every race were more active in their own culture then it wont be as colourful. Im sure not everybody active in Dikir is 100% pure malay. Nonetheless, i enjoy the set and the way ia disampaikan. Divorcing one's culture, possible?
heh the beauty of literature.

Missed the gelanggang for today.. I must go for the finals...

Im really sorry. I guess i still owe you an explaination. Maybe someday.. :)
Your words still etched in mind.

the very vague,
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