Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Today had my maths paper 2 and Geography test.
Maths paper quite okay.
Geography yang teroknya.
I spent all my energy to do maths that i was tired when i got to Geog.
Serious dah penat.

Devdas was alrite.
To describe it in one word, RICH.
How can they even call the prostitutes orang jalanan?
Look at the brothel man.
Berukiran bunga-bunga.

My ex dikir trainer is featured in Panjy.com

Si abang pendek.
Dulu tak leh cakap english dengan betul.
They must have gotten a translator.
Hai pendek pendek, kalau kau dah tak merokok, kau boleh masih bersama kami.
Besok i know ada History paper 2 and Chemistry.
Nak gi blaja skarang ni.
See you people soon ah.

Ombak tak tentu haluan.