Sunday, May 22, 2005

Dato-Tan-Sri-Majapahit-Seribandarayasami-Yang-Mulia- Mr-President

"So how's it feel like to be the new president of MAG?"
The first question most people ask when they meet me. Its like the period after o'level results and everybody is asking you the same thing. Though i dont think i have answered any of those question properly. I usually slide off by a humble smile thing.

I dunno. I really dunno. Its still pretty much surreal. And as soon as i was crown Mr Universe President i began to worry. When i reached home, the first thing in mind was to find a 2005 organizer. Man, the next month is gonna be packed with competitions and what nots. Really helps that more and more people offer me their help in case something goes tangled.
Mom wasnt to happy with the idea. hehe. Thats quite expected. But maybe, just maybe theres a slight tinge of happiness.

Now to have fun with this new title...

MUAHAHAHAHAhAhaha... Kan ku perintah dengan kuku besi. Semua akan tunduk ke kezaliman dan kekejaman ku (byk nyer 'ke'). Tiada akan hadir pun segelintir belas kasihan dalam kerajaanku. Muahahahaha

Okay i must admit that was a bit lame. hahaha. But i had fun. haha

Oh its about one. Mamat must be looking for a new phone. I wonder what model... hmm.

I'll be equal and make wise desicions.
Pahlawan Putih