Thursday, April 01, 2004

Whoa Nelly!

New template. At least new background. Nice or not? I dunno. What do you think? Okay arh? No fuss. Made for shidah one too. Not sure she like or not. Got pink colour arh. Maybe she would end all ties because of it eh? *sob* [drama]

Just now i finally got to eat mee goreng at haig road!! Big acheivement. There werent many people when i bought so i think it explains the amount of mee i got. Alot man! Rations for dinner and supper. Practically a mountain of noodle if to put on a plate. Worth it summore...$2.50. Fish Mc dippers pon kalah. The add-ons also alot, like scramble egg, mutton, kentang etc. Not forgeting the fact that its RED. If i had a choice, a plate of mee goreng form haig road would be my last meal [+Air Bunga / Bunga kekwa (Crysanthemum tea)]. Fuyyoo! Nafsu beb.

Just now had dikir practice. Not many people came. May be because many couldnt make it. Competition this Sunday. Woohoo! Tomorrow would be the selection. The next day would be final touch up then its to the pentas. I heard we are among the last few to perform. Ay thats bad coz the audience is the rowdyiest at that period. Also most of my friends that are participating, are NS men. They have to go back to camp summore. haiyoh. What to do?

April's fools this year is insignificant. I only fooled one person. Guess what i said? I told her that i just found out my parents married me of to a pakistani girl when i was still a child. And then i cannot marry and stuff. luckily she smart. Seh believed at first then after really thinking i guess she said "No wait! I dont believe you". Lasted about 30sec only.

My hair growing long fast. Just had a bloody $10 barber haircut three weeks ago. If i cut now i think i'll be wasting money. So i decided to let it grow. Also i will stop shaving my whiskas and chin. Then guess who i'd look like...Shoulder length hair, long moustache and goatee...Sings. M. Nasir! Maybe it would help me sing like M Nasir and have a great composer mind. To be as good as the artist, be like the artist. Wahahaha! Then Maybe i can get the Tan Sri Title like SM Salim and P. Ramlee..

How's Tan Sri Irfan?
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