Feeling better
...much better.
The appointment did not go so well. See, I didnt really see the need to come at 9am like the envelope states. I'd prolly have to wait summore, a lesson learnt from previous experience. Didnt bother setting an alarm, i got up at 9.44. Took my time to bathe and get dressed, quick lunch of Cik Tipah's heavenly kek lapis & marble cake, and i was off. Reached the Clinical Measurement Unit at around 10.30. Still in apathetic mode, i went into room no 7, right after a short detour to the gents - stomach upset.
Was greeted by a short, thin, chinese lady, mid 20s, monocled, in a crisp white coat straight bouncy rebonded hair. Yeah... Bouncy - Described her character. Maybe it was a pre-requisite as a lung function technical manager. She really was cut out for her job. heh.. lets just leave it at that.
You should've seen my eyes roll out and pop back in to their sockets when i was shown the 'tax invoice' - chimmified term for bill. $23.50!.. Wow.. just to breathe in and out of a contraption?
Anyway i left CHG, still giddy, heading to Dr Chern's Clinic.
After failed attempts at getting a cure, and realisation that Polyclinic doctors were indeed lazier than private doctors (wawa said so), i decide to try my luck at a, surely more costly, family doctor. Doctor Chern's Clinic is at blk 138, situated somewhere along Tampines st 11. Apparently i've been there since i was only 3 weeks old - after a curious peek at my medical records which stated 30th December 1987 as my earliest visit. The clinic will always be remembered as the clinic with it's signature green brick wall.

Anyway, i had a nice chat with Dr Chern shortly after registration, as there was only one other patient before me, about everything from my course of study and the massive headache.
Dr Chern deduced that my cranial annoyances were due to lack of rest, staying up late and basically stress. I was a bit qualmish at first, denying every bit of truth, that seemed like acid dissolving my ear drums with each word that vibrated through. I mean, i dont consider myself a stressed individual. I would rather be seen upon as a carefree flyer. hoho. But the truth was the truth. and i am myself quite a worrywart.
Back to the giddyness. (I know this is corny the last two times i told two other people but...)I was so re-lax-ed after flushing down Lax-athon, the pill i was given after all the other pain killers didnt seem to have a effect at all. I slept like a baby straight after i got home. With the rain and all.. wooo.. i was cloud 9.
and now im much better. and in the mood for fantasy. just sheer, pointless fantasy. im asking for trouble. really asking for it. hell.. at least the butterflies in my stomach keeps me entertained.
though i try to hide it, its clear
Pahlawan Putih
...much better.
The appointment did not go so well. See, I didnt really see the need to come at 9am like the envelope states. I'd prolly have to wait summore, a lesson learnt from previous experience. Didnt bother setting an alarm, i got up at 9.44. Took my time to bathe and get dressed, quick lunch of Cik Tipah's heavenly kek lapis & marble cake, and i was off. Reached the Clinical Measurement Unit at around 10.30. Still in apathetic mode, i went into room no 7, right after a short detour to the gents - stomach upset.
Was greeted by a short, thin, chinese lady, mid 20s, monocled, in a crisp white coat straight bouncy rebonded hair. Yeah... Bouncy - Described her character. Maybe it was a pre-requisite as a lung function technical manager. She really was cut out for her job. heh.. lets just leave it at that.
You should've seen my eyes roll out and pop back in to their sockets when i was shown the 'tax invoice' - chimmified term for bill. $23.50!.. Wow.. just to breathe in and out of a contraption?
Anyway i left CHG, still giddy, heading to Dr Chern's Clinic.
After failed attempts at getting a cure, and realisation that Polyclinic doctors were indeed lazier than private doctors (wawa said so), i decide to try my luck at a, surely more costly, family doctor. Doctor Chern's Clinic is at blk 138, situated somewhere along Tampines st 11. Apparently i've been there since i was only 3 weeks old - after a curious peek at my medical records which stated 30th December 1987 as my earliest visit. The clinic will always be remembered as the clinic with it's signature green brick wall.

Anyway, i had a nice chat with Dr Chern shortly after registration, as there was only one other patient before me, about everything from my course of study and the massive headache.
Dr Chern deduced that my cranial annoyances were due to lack of rest, staying up late and basically stress. I was a bit qualmish at first, denying every bit of truth, that seemed like acid dissolving my ear drums with each word that vibrated through. I mean, i dont consider myself a stressed individual. I would rather be seen upon as a carefree flyer. hoho. But the truth was the truth. and i am myself quite a worrywart.
Back to the giddyness. (I know this is corny the last two times i told two other people but...)I was so re-lax-ed after flushing down Lax-athon, the pill i was given after all the other pain killers didnt seem to have a effect at all. I slept like a baby straight after i got home. With the rain and all.. wooo.. i was cloud 9.
and now im much better. and in the mood for fantasy. just sheer, pointless fantasy. im asking for trouble. really asking for it. hell.. at least the butterflies in my stomach keeps me entertained.
though i try to hide it, its clear
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