Thursday, March 24, 2005


Did some spiffying on my side bar. Rearranged links and format. Looks neater. And looks like im not the only one doing blog tidying up. heh

You know how i wish soul searching could be done on Yahoo? no lah just kidding.
Okay its 11.30 now and my eyes are failing on me. heh. I'm gonna leave for the mosquie in awhile. So exciting! hahah like kid.

Thurdays happens to be best TV watching days. I introduced my mom to Trigger Happy TV and i m glad she liked it. The laughter macam subtle and you can see that she's tired. Well she's been complaining about the 5 day week thing. Even though she's teaching morning session, she comes back in the late afternoon ard 5-6. Praying for her good health.
Oh today Jaka Tarub was finally vomitting blood, a common way characters in martial arts series get hurt. Got bored seeing only the bad guy/evil villians get injuries. hahahah

Does any of you know of a hotel beside or near zouk?
See we might be having a show there which i hear is hosting a 'grand' event. Very vague descriptions ah. haha.

More dates to remember:

10 April.
Geylang Serai's ??th Aniversary.
I dont know how many years but im sure its a lot cos the CC is quite old and i chanced upon some old photographs at the store the other time. Next time i go there i'll 'borrow' some of the pics for scaning and post them up here. Some are quite interesting...

17 and 18 march.
Problem based learning shit.

Jas. It means so much that you've told me that im not alone. :D Oh an now Sarah too.

The devil's asking me to go sleep on my bed.

I'm gonna sleep on the floor instead.
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