Friday, August 01, 2003


Penat , penat, penat. Letih, letih, letih. But i have to go on! Berjuang Sampai MATI!!! Well lagi a few more langkahs sampai ke pintu kejayaan ku. Aku akan maju.

Enough of bahasa ibunda[tercampur]. hahaha. My hands this whole week, has been every other colour other that my natural skin colour. Dah macam belang Harimau biru diiringgi dots merah. Lino print nyer pasal. I also have been inhaling banyak paint thinner fumes. My status, Soon to be Brain Damaged. I visited lelaman Tumpat baru tadi at art room [yes there are computers for our research work]. Dorang dah keluarkan the results of the uji bakat. I got a 9 for permainan Gong. [apoint ten] Merepek kan? I got a 7 for Juara. Boleh lah, sama standard dengan Moon [cucu tumpat's juara] Yang aku nak tau markah untuk Karut. hai...... Cita-citaku.

My classmate, Zulkifli Saleh and Fairuz r involved in NDP. For what? some sort of Graffiti performance. Terkejut seh bile dapat tau. Dorang macm buatkan orang nyer name in Graffiti style. Lawa lawa ah tapi sampai national standards? Wow. Congrats guys.

Besok ader art lagi. Dah bosan macam nak mampus! Dah lama tak nonton television. Hai i think i m gonna do so. Maggi for me tonight. Kak KL Kirah, good luck with ur assignment!