Sunday, April 09, 2006


There i was
allowing the beach to embrace my limbs
allowing the breeze to slither down my neck

shutting off visual senses
allowing the waves sing their monotonous lullaby
allowing the blanket of moonlight comfort me

then i sat up.
cleared the sand of its
natural indentations
to give a smooth surface

i allowed the collective feeling
of particles running against my skin
inspire me
then with my finger
i wrote...

"Kata diukir atas pasir
tetap akan luput jua
kalau bukan kerana
desir angin kencang,
kikisan ombak garang,
jejak jajah orang,
hati mungkin berubah...."

Dan itulah itu
lumrah manusia

Minta bantu, ulat dan naga
Pahlawan Putih