Thursday, August 26, 2004

Lets meet again sahara...

Came back an hour ago from Bishan. Reason is i was painting a signboard for use of a carnival-ic event tomorrow. Its named CCN day and its a day where we try to work our butts off and raise funds for the needy students of the polytechnic. Hmm.. Overpopulated by girls, they decided that its best they did nail art and temporary body tattoos. I mean where else does a tattoo go to if not your body. I'm pretty skeptical. Thing is i'll also miss 2 hours of the 4 since i must go prayers. yup...

I skipped rugby today too because off that.
I wonder why it rains a day after or before rugby training days. Then on the training days itself, its warm and dry. Miss the mud.

Been searching the net on Ouds or Uds. The string instrument commonly used in the middle eastern ensembles. The melody is so intriguing and complex. I could also not image playing such a fine instrument though i wouldnt mind having one to experience its wonder. So cool.

Work is definately piling up. I have 3 projects from the same subject. how dumb. Now.. where's my pencil?

More importantly where's my brain.
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