Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Sorry I couldnt get the bopleh unta. The gembala unta was keeping a close eye on me. He saw the scissors in my hand. Wasted. haha. The picture is from an Unta Farm selling Unta's milk. Urgk. The rest i quite proud of. National Geographic quality i might say. hahah. I hope one day it could happen. Ouh ya the top one. Thats me, mangkuk. Unbelievable how blue the sea was. In Jeddah. Especially like the bottom-most one at the date market. Pasar Kurma Enjoy

Today was my orientation. Tomorrow too. I forgot how it is like to listen to people blabber on and on. I guess i wont mind a lecture about Science or so on. But a lecture about expectations, library sh*t, some stupid organisation blardy blardy bla... Insomnia's cure i say. Met some great friends. In particular this girl by the name of Gwendolin. She looks like chinese mixed eurasian. Darn pretty. Darn friendly too. Always smiling. She threw some compliments at me too. Hahah. Mana lah tak kembang? Food was uh..expected to be unpleasent. Last part of the programme was lame but it beats listening to people with no charisma at all. Games hor. Fun part was being wet and basking in the afternoon sun. No Suprise i like being wet. They still havent issued our timetables yet so i guess I'd have to miss staying in bed tomorrow.

I watched Art Attack and then noticed that he ends the show by saying Turrah!. [Ouh! so that is where it was from] hahaha...

The bgsound should be SATRANGI RE. Song from the movie Dil Se. Very Middle Eastern. Ahh....

I would like to deny this arrow you shot straight to my heart in disapproval. I want you to remain a dream i cant forget. Forgive me but i cant take it that easily..

I missed Maggi curry in Mecca. hahah.
Fahlawan Futih